Historically, hand rolling cigars has been an art form passed from one generation to the next. Impressa Cigars was born as a testament to this very tradition. For more than a decade, our family has brought this unique form of entertainment to events of every kind. It is our pleasure to celebrate your milestones while providing a memorable service to your guests.
When you want your event to stand out from the throngs of competing events, you'll want to call on Impressa Cigars. From the grandest ballrooms to the most intimate celebrations, we'll take your guests through the timeless tradition of hand rolling a cigar while sharing the history and nuances of the art itself.
Our cigar rolling service is tailored to ensure we embellish your event through our demonstrations. You can expect us to command the attention of aficionados and novices alike. We'll consult with you on the options to best suit your event. Custom cigar labeling to commemorate your celebration is available.